The Women’s and Human Rights Department is pleased to announce that a second Women’s Leadership program has been added for 2023 in response to a delegate request from the floor of the 40th Grand Lodge Convention. This program will be held September 17-22 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD.
Designed to teach union sisters how to become active members and leaders, the Women’s Leadership program builds skills in the areas of organizing, parliamentary procedure, political and legislative involvement, strategic planning and network building.
Women’s Leadership is administrated by the Women’s and Human Rights Department. In addition to the Women’s Leadership Program, it oversees the Women’s Advanced Leadership and Human Rights Programs.
The Women’s Advanced Leadership Program builds on lessons learned in Women’s Leadership and further develops skills in the areas of leadership, organizing, parliamentary procedure, political and legislative involvement, strategic planning and network building. The Human Rights Program teaches participants how to be effective and vigorous advocates for diversity, mutual respect, fairness and equality in the workplace and in the union.
Dates and registration information for these programs can be found on the Winpisinger Center website. Questions about program content should go to Julie Frietchen, Director of Women’s and Human Rights, at 301-967-4747 or at