Working Families Expect Results from Governor Elects

November 20, 2006 – Thanks to a critical push by working families – Democrats picked up six governor seats across the country last week.

Victories in states such as Ohio, New York and Maryland gave Democrats a total of 28 governor seats – and a majority of governorships for the first time in twelve years.

Working families also showed up in force to re-elect sitting Democratic governors such as Jennifer Granholm, Kathleen Sebelius, Ed Rendell and Jim Doyle.

Union members and working families everywhere spoke loud and clear – they are ready for a change and they expect results.

For middle class Americans – that means changes that will improve their day to day lives.

Polling done for the IAM prior to the election shows working Americans want governors to focus on basic pocket book issues.

They said they wanted more jobs, lower utility bills and insurance rates, a decent commute and educational equity.

For governors elected and re-elected on November 7 – focusing on these issues will ensure the support and efforts of working families for years to come.

Watch Working Families Expect Results from Governor Elects >>

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