Working People Mobilize to Delay Senate Healthcare Bill

Machinists Union members activated their voices this week to oppose a healthcare bill that makes working people pay billions while Washington steals coverage from millions.

On Tuesday afternoon, Senate Republicans caved to the pressure.


We must keep the pressure. Keep calling your Senators at 1-866-865-8089. Tell your Senators to start from scratch and pass healthcare reform that works for working Americans.

Another vote is expected after the July 4 recess.

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IAM International President Bob Martinez calls the bill, “a deadly diagnosis for working families.”


The Congressional Budget Office reported on Monday that the Senate bill will kick 22 million more Americans off insurance coverage. Four million working people on employer-provided plans are estimated to lose coverage in 2018 alone.

Working people are being asked to pay for their own demise. Despite billions in tax breaks to the super-rich, the bill keeps a 40 percent tax on employer-provided plans.

The bill punishes just about everybody—the sick, elderly and even veterans.


Our calls have already made a big difference. CALL 1-866-865-8089 today.











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