A new documentary film, produced by director Robert Greenwald, uncovers the socioeconomical corruption behind billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.
Koch Brothers Exposed details the brothers’ relentless and stomach-turning efforts to undermine the interests of working-class Americans on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. Koch Industries, the second largest privately owned company in the United States, currently bankrolls a vast network of Congressmembers, state lawmakers and conservative organizations. Its most recent actions include funding the aggressive, wide-scale effort to roll back U.S. voting laws in an attempt to suppress the minority, elderly and young vote. The Koch brothers have also pledged to spend roughly $1 billion in an effort to unseat President Barack Obama this election cycle.
Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the rich at its worst. Get the film. Host a screening. Tell your friends.
Click here for more information and to see the trailer.