This week the William W. Winpisinger Center is hosting the largest Spanish Leadership I class since the program was initiated four years ago, underscoring the growth that the Spanish Leadership programs have achieved. IAM members from every Territory are participating in the program and are taking another step towards activism and involvement in their union.
“As we continue to organize and negotiate top-notch contracts, there will continue to be the need for this kind of training,” said IAMAW International President Tom Buffenbarger. “We are committed to making the educational opportunities at the Winpisinger Center available to all IAM members.”
Chris Wagoner, Director of the Winpisinger Center added, “The Spanish Leadership programs are a culmination of a lot of hard work and outreach, and my hat goes off to the members of the Spanish Leadership Working Group, whose time and efforts made these programs a success.”
There are still opportunities for Locals and Districts that would like to enroll Spanish-speaking members in the 2011 Leadership programs. A second Spanish Leadership I class will take place on September 25th – 30th, and the Spanish Leadership II program is scheduled for November 13th – 18th. Enroll early to save a seat!
Any member who has taken Leadership I, in either Spanish or English, is eligible to take Spanish Leadership II. Spaces are still available for the Spanish Leadership II class scheduled for June 21st – 26th.
Enrollments in both the Spanish Leadership I and Leadership II programs do not count against a lodge’s regular leadership program allotment. Click here for the enrollment forms for Spanish Leadership I. Click here for the enrollment forms for Spanish Leadership II. Or, contact Pam Kinney at 301-373-8820.