On April 20, 2007 Local Lodge 794 concluded negotiations with Lockheed Martin TSI for the ATARS Facilities in Albuquerque, NM at Kirkland AFB.
A meeting was held on April 21, 2007 for the membership of Local Lodge 794 to vote their decision on ratification. Ratification was approved by the members present and voting.
The following is a summary of the highlights of the new collective bargaining agreement.
* 3 Year Agreement effective April 23, 2007 to April 25, 2010.
* GWI 4.o%, 3.5% and 3.5%
* Ratification Bonus of $2,000 for each employee effective October 2007
* Special Operations Pay increase from $4.26 to $5.01 for all B/U members effective October 1, 2007.
* Definitive language regarding Additional Training/Qualifications.
* Definitive language regarding Job Preferences and Selections.
* Significantly Improved Medical Plans and OPT-OUT OPTIONS.
* Many other advantageous language changes.
Negotiating Committee members Lanny Languit, Mike Briody and Duane Turner of Local Lodge 794 were commended by Aerospace Coordinator Ray Moffatt for the outstanding job each performed during these negotiations. The Committee did an excellent job on behalf of their membershipduring these negotiations and were instrumental to achieving an offer from the company which was overwhelming accepted by our membership.
Brother Moffatt also takes the opportunity to thank Local Lodge 794 Directing Business Representative Ernest “Red” Dow for his leadership and experience during these negotiations.