Machinists Union Applauds Hillary Clinton’s Strong Stand Against TPP

Washington, D.C., August 11, 2016 – The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today commended the unequivocal opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“Today’s statement by Hillary Clinton was far stronger and more direct than anything she has said previously about the TPP,” said IAM International President Bob Martinez. “These are welcome words to anyone who questioned the durability of her opposition to this massive job killing trade deal.”

In a speech to high-tech factory workers in Warren, MI, Clinton forcefully expressed her opposition to the 12-nation trade pact, declaring, “So my message to every worker in Michigan and across America is this: I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages – including the Trans-Pacific Partnership. I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as President.”

“Those words are music to American workers’ ears,” said Martinez. “Her opposition is critical to ensuring the TPP does not survive a vote in the upcoming lame duck session of Congress. “

The IAM is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, representing nearly 600,000 members in dozens of industries. Visit for more information about the Machinists Union.

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