Washington, D.C., November 6, 2015 –The International Association of Machinists and Aero-space Workers (IAM) today announced an agreement with United Airlines to open contracts covering approximately 30,000 workers early, more than one year ahead of the scheduled amendable date, and enter into expedited negotiations to amend the current IAM-United con-tracts.
To address the IAM’s concerns regarding the outsourcing of work currently performed by IAM members at United, the carrier has agreed—before entering expedited negotiations—to not out-source any work currently performed by IAM members through the term of any amended con-tract, plus one year. If an amended contract cannot be reached for any IAM workgroup, the no outsourcing commitment is extended to January 15, 2019.
“This is truly a unique opportunity to attain the industry-best contracts that IAM members at United Airlines deserve,” said IAM District 141 President Mike Klemm. “IAM members have clearly voiced their concerns regarding improving their current contracts and we heard those concerns.”
“I’d like to thank District 141 for listening closely to our members at United and their dedication to getting to the table early to achieve the industry-leading contracts that IAM members deserve,” said General Vice President Sito Pantoja. “Today’s agreement protects the work of IAM members and that’s genuine job security.”