TRCP’s Union Sportsmen’s Alliance
The goal of the USA is to create an outdoor hunting and fishing club exclusively for union members and their families with the purpose of actively engaging union sportsmen and women in the ongoing fight to create a better future for hunting and fishing while helping to create their own outdoor community that will extend union member benefits beyond the workplace, into the woods and onto the water.
The TRCP is a coalition of the nation’s leading conservation organizations, labor unions and individual hunters and anglers representing the entire spectrum of our nation’s outdoor sporting community—all dedicated to fulfilling a joint promise to “Guarantee All Americans a Place to Hunt and Fish.”
Why Unions?
As a part of fulfilling our mission, the TRCP has partnered with 20 of America’s labor unions, representing over 4.5 million union workers and 10,000 locals across the US and Canada, to create the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance. All 20 of TRCP’s union partners are affiliated with the AFL-CIO. Based on an independent, random, scientific poll of Union workers, 70% of the participants surveyed indicated that they hunt and/or fish. Based on that figure, we can assume that approximately 3.2 million members of the labor unions affiliated with the TRCP are hunters, anglers or both. These 3.2 million members who hunt, fish and recreate in the outdoors easily make up America’s largest block of sportsmen and women who are without any formal affiliation with a conservation or outdoor organization. This new TRCP / Union dedicated program represents a significant but logical step forward in the TRCP’s ongoing efforts to organize, activate and engage large segments of America’s outdoor community to take action on our nation’s most critical hunting, fishing and conservation issues.
How does the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance work?
What are the benefits of the TRCP and USA?
Creating a program like the USA benefits the TRCP, our Union partners, and the future of conservation. For union workers who hunt, fish and enjoy the out of doors, the USA has the potential to be among the most cherished and tangible benefits provided to them by their union. For the TRCP, USA empowers us to reach out and connect with hundreds of thousands of union sportsmen and women and their families in an unprecedented fashion by helping them better enjoy the passions that are at the very core of their lifestyles.
How will USA help TRCP achieve its mission?
Due to the strength and influence of the USA and its hundreds of thousands of new voices, it will greatly aid the TRCP in achieving its mission to “Guarantee all Americans a place to hunt and fish” through its policy initiatives. The USA will also offer an ideal audience of sportsmen and women through which TRCP can spread the word about issues like access and fish and wildlife conservation.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve heard about the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) but exactly what is it?
The USA is an exciting new program of the TRCP designed to meet the outdoor needs of our 20 affiliated union partners and their members that hunt, fish and recreate in the outdoors. For these 3.2 million sportsmen and sportswomen hunting and fishing is not just what they do, it is a part of who they are. The goal of the USA is to extend union member benefits beyond the workplace and into the woods and water and better fulfill on the union promise of “Work Union – Live Better.”
The USA will recruit its members from this massive base of union outdoorsmen and membership in the USA will cost $25 a year. This USA/Union-based sportsmen’s community will be connected using a sportsman’s club concept — a multimedia service that combines print, web, TV and continuity buying programs to deliver the best in hunting and fishing information and unprecedented value on outdoor and sporting equipment to union sportsmen and their families.
Tell me a little more about the USA.
Who can join the USA?
Any union worker whose membership is in good standing with an AFL-CIO affiliated union may join the USA. Also family members of union workers are encouraged to join the USA. Please check back with this website in April 2007 to join the USA and look for more information in your union publications.
I’m a sportsman and a union member in good standing – How do I join the USA?
The plans are for the USA to formally open its doors and start accepting members on April 1, 2007. Please visit the TRCP website or go to after April 1 to join the USA online. Also, be on the lookout for information from your unions.
I’m not currently a union member, can I still join?
For now the USA is only open to union members. If you are not a union member, we encourage you to sign up for your free partnership with the TRCP. As we move forward, we anticipate being able to provide special discounts and opportunities to TRCP partners who are not USA members thanks to relationships we are building through USA with corporate partners.
If my union isn’t involved, can I still sign up?
If your union is affiliated with the AFL-CIO (see complete list here) and you are a member in good standing with your union, you are welcome to join the USA.
What 20 Unions are involved with USA?
Labor Trade Union |
Members Nationwide |
USW – United Steel Workers of America |
1,200,000 |
IBEW– International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers |
780,000 |
IAMAW– International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers |
760,000 |
APWU– American Postal Workers Union |
330,000 |
UA– United Association of Plumbers & Pipe fitters |
300,000 |
IAFF– International Association of Fire Fighters |
267,000 |
SMWIA– Sheet Metal Workers International Association |
150,000 |
Iron Workers – International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, & Reinforcing Iron Workers |
127,000 |
BCTGM– Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union |
120,000 |
IUPAT– International Union of Painters & Allied Trades |
115,000 |
TCU– Transportation Communications International Union |
100,000 |
BAC – International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craft workers |
100,000 |
Boilermakers– International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers |
75,000 |
UWUA– Utility Workers Union of America |
50,000 |
OPCMIA – Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons International Association |
40,000 |
IUEC– International Union of Elevator Constructors |
26,000 |
UMWA – United Mine Workers of America |
25,000 |
Roofers– United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers, & Allied Workers |
25,000 |
Asbestos Workers– International Association of Heat, Frost Insulators, & Asbestos Workers |
20,000 |
BRS – Brotherhood Of Railroad Signalmen |
9,500 |