O F F I C E R S'




36th IAMAW
Grand Lodge

HPWO partners use laptop computers offered by the Sharing Technology to Enhance Partnership Solution (STEPS) program to design onsite action plans.

HPWO — 3

Sharing Technology to Enhance Partnership Solutions (STEPS)

The HPWO Partnerships Department maintains a close working relationship with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS). Over the years, FMCS staff members shared with the IAM their process called Technology Assisted Group Solutions (TAGS). The staff of the HPWO Partnerships Department secured a $100,000 grant from FMCS to fund the development of STEPS. The IAM matched the grant at a level of 10 percent, plus staff time and other resources needed to implement and maintain STEPS.

The goals of the grant were to accomplish the following:

■ Help partnerships share information and resources in a secure environment
■ Help partnerships resolve conflicts that might block implementation
■ Provide a vehicle through which to conduct on-line planning meetings
■ Provide online training in skills needed for partnership implementation
■ Assist in developing and administering surveys to help partners monitor progress and develop next steps
■ Help partners develop action plans

Through the FMCS grant, the HPWO Partnerships Department acquired a server and the software needed to allow internet use and access to the software, as well as eighteen laptop computers and support equipment to assist those sites without widespread computer access.

To date STEPS has been used to accomplish the following:

■ Assist worksites that send representatives to the HPWO week-long school at the Winpisinger Center
■ Evaluate the week-long school at the Winpisinger Center
■ Survey all employees at several sites
■ Assist with brainstorming and action planning
■ Evaluate the HPWO Partnerships Conferences
■ Assist workplace leaders in developing their partnership plans

In the years ahead STEPS can be used in
the following ways:

■ HPWO GLR Communications
■ Test areas for new sites
■ Online training modules
■ Chat areas dedicated to partnership development
■ Increased use in the HPWO week-long school
