Shawn has been a member since March 2008. He started at Roseburg Forest Products in Weed, CA. He soon became a steward in 2009, He has been a Chief Steward, LL Trustee, LL VP, LL President, all while at Local W12 in Klamath Falls Oregon. He was President of the 5 Counties Central Labor Council in Redding CA; Shawn was also an Associate Organizer for the Woodworkers Department. He then moved to Louisiana as District W2022 Organizer. Shawn moved over to the Organizing Department as an Associate Organizer in September 2024.
As someone who did not grow up with a union background, he brings a different view of the organizing effort, he has a knack for problem solving and strategy. He is a Southerner by choice, because he feels this is where he is needed the most.