UCubed Unveils ‘Unanimous Consent’ Video

Click here to view UCubed's new holiday video 'Unanimous Consent'With the “fiscal cliff” looming, the Union of Unemployed (UCubed) released a new holiday video urging the Senate to say “nay” to any sort of UC during debt talks.

UC is short for Unanimous Consent Agreement – and is the reason why so many bad bills become law. The agreement requires all 100 Senators’ support – or their effective silence — to suspend the Senate Rules. It’s standard operating procedure in the closing days of a Congress as time runs short.

“In the next three weeks, as the GOP hacks away at the social safety net to protect their wealthy contributors, the power of the Unanimous Consent Agreement grows,” said UCubed Executive Director Rick Sloan. “Even a balanced deal in the eleventh hour will contain provisions that, in the light of day, would appall most Americans.

“Social insurance programs that we paid for – Social Security and Medicare – could be slashed. Money for food stamps, extended unemployment benefits, Medicaid or job training could be cut deeply. Even the manufacturing jobs tied to our national security could be at risk. But a consistent ‘NAY’ to Unanimous Consent Agreements by even one courageous United States Senator can stop the legislative train in its tracks.”

The “Unanimous Consent” video is part of UCubed’s “Exit Left Ahead” campaign on Facebook in which users are urged to drive the debate over the direction of the country. The road to prosperity leads to a sound economy and jobs. The road to austerity leads to no jobs and a prolonged recession.

Click to view UCubed’s “Unanimous Consent” video here.

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