Donate to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund

The IAM Disaster Relief Fund has taken quite a hit after the record year of devastation that has impacted IAM members throughout the country. The fund needs donations and fellow IAM members can help.

“We have not fully recovered from the most devastating storm that ever struck our membership, which hit one of the most heavily unionized areas of the country,” reads a joint letter from IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger and General Secretary-Treasurer Robert Roach, Jr. “Super Storm Sandy, coupled with a very wicked tornado season last spring, left the Disaster Relief Fund unusually strained. Many members in Moore, Oklahoma suffered devastation as well. These events contributed to record amounts of requests for assistance.”

The IAM has distributed over $212,000 to members in need over the past year. The funds distributed are made up of voluntary contributions from IAM members and lodges.

Please give what you can to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund. All monies will be distributed directly to IAM families on the basis of need. Checks (in any amount) should be made payable to: IAM Disaster Relief Fund, and mailed to: IAM Community Services Department, 9000 Machinists Place, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772.

The Machinist Union has also taken positive steps to make individual contributions tax deductible. “I AM ASSISTANCE” is the newly-created 501(c)(3) relief fund. Those wishing to make tax-deductible contributions can use the brochure form here.

“Our Union is made up of working men and women who individually sacrifice for the collective needs of each other in times of crisis,” says Buffenbarger and Roach. “That is real solidarity.  Thank you for your solidarity.”

Any questions regarding donations to the IAM Disaster Relief Fund should be directed to IAM Community Services Department Director Charlie Micallef at 301-967-3433 or email at

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