TCU/IAM Videos Highlight Members, Recent Bargaining Achievements

Carmen Quan Miller of New Jersey Transit is one of many TCU/IAM members featured in two highly-acclaimed videos showcased at the 34th Regular TCU/IAM Convention in Las Vegas.

Delegates to the 34th Regular TCU/IAM Convention in Las Vegas were privy to the premiere showing of two videos, produced by the Machinists News Network, in honor of TCU/IAM members’ hard work, dedication and recent achievements within the union’s 115-year history.

“TCU/IAM Members at Work” showcases the union’s more than 45,000 men and women of many different crafts – on and off the railroad. The video features TCU/IAM clerks, Carmen, supervisors, computer programmers, Red Caps, service workers, secretaries, truck drivers, reservation agents, transit workers and much more.

“TCU/IAM Bargaining Victories” highlights the union’s many recent successes at the bargaining table and in arbitration. The video takes a look at several TCU/IAM victories, including the recent CSX agreement which resulted in a permanent productivity fund for CSX employees. The fund included a $94,000 settlement distributed amongst the employees and a $12 per day pool fund distributed to employees at the end of every year just before Christmas. Other featured victories include the historic arbitration win against the Los Angeles County Mass Transit Authority in which the union won 45 new jobs and more than $1 million, and the recent Amtrak contract which set the tone for national negotiations achieving a 15 percent wage increase over five years.

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