For Life’s Bumps in the Road, Call the IAM’s Assistance Hotline

Substance abuse, addiction, mental illness, stress and depression are serious problems that hinder quality of life for many IAM members. But you don’t have to tackle these issues on your own.

The IAM’s Member and Employee Assistance Programs (MAP/EAP) assist workers and their families through prevention, intervention, assessment, directed care and follow-up services for problems that adversely impact workers’ lives.

MAP and EAP programs evolved from labor-initiated efforts to educate members and employers that debilitating personal problems should be approached as any other health care concern.

Ideally, employers will cooperate with the IAM to tackle drug, alcohol, mental and emotional issues that affect workers’ lives, the workplace and the community at large.

Where an employer will work with the union, we have an EAP. When the employer will not or cannot participate equally with the union; we have an MAP. Regardless, the IAM provides a CONFIDENTIAL service to help members in need.

This service is available to all IAM members, staff and family members.

You may reach the confidential IAM EAP/MAP Helpline by calling 301-335-0735 or emailing

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