TCU Gets Out the Vote!


Over the past few weeks, TCU’s Legislative & Political Department staff has dispatched to the field to get TCU members out to vote. 

Ron Kloos, Mark Taylor, Bill Kelaher, and David Arouca have visited numerous local offices and properties across the country to support candidates that support TCU members. 

Election Day is November 8th!

Click HERE to find your polling place

TCU NVP & Legislative Director Ron Kloos meeting with local TCU officials in Florida

TCU NVP & Legislative Director Ron Kloos meeting with local TCU officials in Florida

Passing Out Fliers at Chicago's Union Station

Passing Out Fliers at Chicago’s Union Station

TCU's Teresa Booth Helping Distribute Fliers at Chicago's Amtrak Yards

TCU’s Teresa Booth Helping Distribute Fliers at Chicago’s Amtrak Yards

TCU/IAM Stands with Wisconsin!

TCU/IAM Stands with Wisconsin!

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