Our federal employees work under a constrained system of rules, regulations and executive orders that severely limit their scope of bargaining. Job security is, at best, tentative with outsourcing, downsizing and a convoluted maze of laws affecting how they must deal with hundreds of agencies for layoffs, promotions, and other personnel matters. The Government Employees Department is responsible for responding to the volumes of change that occur in the federal sector by working with the agencies through National Consultation Rights and seats on National Partnership Councils. It is our job to keep our federal employees, their elected leadership, and our full-time staff abreast of those changes and to provide representation and the requested services to ensure their economic well-being and quality of work life.
Information Center
Action Center
Get involved with the legislative process by contacting your congressional representatives on issues that matter most to you. Research voting records, read current legislation, and find out a little bit more about those who represent you in office. NFFE – Legislative Action Center
Training Opportunities
This department offers well-thought-out classes as opportunities to develop and grow your skills. Click here to learn more about these classes.