The Commemorative Convention Book is a great way for IAM Lodges and employers across North America to send their greetings to thousands of delegates at the 2016 IAM Grand Lodge Convention, to be held September 4-9 in Chicago. Ads and payment must be received by the IAM Communications Department on or before Monday, May 2, 2016.
IAM Lodges and employers are encouraged to consider purchasing an ad. Proceeds from the book help offset the cost of the quadrennial convention.
For Lodges:
Lodges can design their own ad, or select one of the ready-made options from these three templates: Template A | Template B | Template C
Please refer to the Lodge ad order form for detailed information on ad choices, pricing, specifications and sizes.
For Employers:
Employer ads should depict IAM members at work or the products and services they provide. The company’s logo and web address should be prominently displayed so IAM members can readily locate and recommend your company to their family and friends.
Click here to download the business ad order form.
The Convention’s theme is ‘Forward Together,’ as it accurately describes the IAM’s proud heritage and hopes for tomorrow.
Please contact the IAM Communications Department at 301-967-4520 with any questions.