Companies with 11 or more employees must to comply with the recordkeeping requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are reminded to complete their annual summary of injuries and illnesses—OSHA Form 300A—by Feb. 1 each year. OSHA Form 300A contains the calendar year covered, the company name and address, the annual average number of employees, the total hours worked by all employees and the totals from columns G through M of OSHA Log 300. It does not contain any personal information. If no cases are recorded during a reporting period, the annual summary still must be posted with zeros entered into all of the spaces provided on the form. The summary document must be: • Posted from February 1 to April 30. • Displayed in areas where other notices are normally placed. • Certified with the signature of a company executive, indicating that the information is correct and complete to the best of the employer’s knowledge. • Retained for five years following the calendar year to which they relate. To get a copy of OSHA Form 300A, contact the nearest OSHA office or download the form from OSHA’s Web site at