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Global Union publication: Getting the World to WORK – Global Union Strategies for Recovery
The publication “Getting the World to Work –Global Union Strategies for Recovery” provides a unified vision from the world trade union movement on global union strategies for recovery on the financial and economic crisis and a sector-specific perspective on the issues. The Global Unions have set out alternative strategies for the global economy that are focused on getting people back in work and for a recovery plan based on humanitarian values.
These arguments were put before world leaders in Washington in November 2008 and at the meeting of the Group of 20 in London in April 2009. The publication sets out the labour movement’s demand for a change of direction and insists that governments put people first.
We encourage you to download the Publication at the BWI website here or directly at the Global Unions’ web site here.
This is the first time that the Global Unions put their different perspectives on the same issues in a unified way that strengthens the voice of global trade unionism in the debate about the future.