ITUC Online

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  • ITUC Online February 14, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – February 14, 2006

    Brussels, 14 February 2006 (ICFTU online): A new ICFTU report on core labour standards in Angola, which coincides with Angola’s trade policy review at the WTO this week, identifies shortcomings in the application and enforcement of core labour standards, in particular with regard to trade union rights and child labour. Although workers have the right

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  • ITUC Online February 13, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – February 13, 2006

    Brussels, 13 February 2006 (ICFTU online) Following the continuing repression against the Trade Union of the Greater Teheran United Bus Company (Sherkate-Vahed), an international day of action has been organised in numerous countries on Wednesday 15 February with support from Global Unions (the ICFTU, the Global Union Federations and TUAC-OECD) and, notably, the International Transport

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  • ITUC Online February 10, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – February 8, 2006

    Brussels, 8 February 2006 (ICFTU online): “The dismissal of Diamyo El Hadj Yacouba was annulled by the Court of Appeal of Niamey”. The ICFTU and the WCL welcomed the news on 7 February of the positive verdict in the dispute between Diamyo El Hadj Yacouba, General Secretary of the energy workers’ union (Syndicat des Travailleurs

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  • ITUC Online February 3, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – February 3, 2006

    Brussels, 3 February 2006 (ICFTU OnLine) Numerous trade unionists, sympathisers, journalists and diplomats posted in the Cambodian capital paid tribute to the triumphant return to Phnom Penh on 1 February of Chea Mony, president of the Cambodian trade union centre FTUWKC, following several months of exile, first in Ireland then in France. His decision to

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  • ITUC Online February 3, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – February 2, 2006

    Brussels, 2 February 2006 (ICFTU OnLine): Iranian authorities have again targeted trade unionists at Sherkate Vahed, Teheran’s bus company, in the latest wave of brutal repression. The ICFTU, in a letter to the country’s authorities, strongly condemned the new arrests of several hundred trade unionists and their families, including eight executive members of the Sherkate Vahed union.

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