ITUC Online

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  • ITUC Online January 31, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – January 31, 2006(1)

    Brussels, 31 January 2006 (ICFTU OnLine): The report denounces a bill proposed in the last Knesset by the Finance Minister Netanyahu and by Industry and Labour Minister Olmert that would drastically limit the right to strike. Although the bill did not yet become law, it was approved by a ministerial legislative committee in 2004. According

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  • ITUC Online January 31, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – January 31, 2006

    Spotlight interview with Anatoliy Akimochkin, vice president of the Ukrainian trade union confederation KVPU and first president of the Independent Miners Union of Ukraine Brussels, 31 January 2006 (ICFTU OnLine): Anatoliy Akimochkin is vice president of the Ukrainian trade union confederation KVPU and first president of the Independent Miners Union of Ukraine. As the ICFTU

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  • ITUC Online January 31, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – January 30, 2006

    Brussels, 30 January 2006 (ICFTU OnLine): The cut off in the supply of Russian gas to Ukraine on 1 January 2006 has reopened the debate on the country’s energy independence. Could the huge coal reserves in Ukraine’s subsoil help to build this independence? Ukraine’s mining trade unions believe so, but are also well aware that

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  • ITUC Online January 27, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – January 27, 2006

    Brussels, 27 January 2006 (ICFTU OnLine): “We have to look ahead, to look for new alternatives for the Americas. We have to make alliances, to fight with our brothers and sisters in the Americas for another continent – one where our people are no longer the servants of the economy but the economy the servant

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  • ITUC Online January 26, 2006

    ICFTU OnLine – January 26, 2006

    Brussels, 26 January 2006 (ICFTU OnLine): At a meeting with Kofi Annan at the World Economic Forum in Davos on 25 January, ICFTU General Secretary Guy Ryder said the global trade union movement had reached “good understandings” with the United Nations Secretary General on a series of key international issues. The trade union representatives welcomed

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