Every year the Women’s and Human Rights Department holds a Young Workers Strategy Program. This course identifies issues for young workers and prepares the participants to engage members at their lodge in a Young Workers Committee. While this is only the third year running this course, its success has touched many members and continues to expand the Young Machinists program.
We anticipate to have a high volume of participation and encourage you to mark your calendars for one of these two dates:
May 7 through May 12, 2017
September 24 through September 29, 2017
As in years past, we expect the course to be highly successful and inspirational. For a copy of the call letter, click here. Any questions you have regarding this course may be directed to the Women’s and Human Rights Department at IAM Headquarters at (301) 967-4747 or to bfitzgerald@iamaw.org. We look forward to seeing you then!