First Contract Brings Big Raises, Better Benefits for Ohio District 34 Service Contract Members

IAM District 34 recently successfully negotiated a first contract with Valiant Government Services for 25 new IAM members working at Wright Patterson Air Force Base under the Service Contract Act (SCA).

Highlights of the three-year agreement include:

  • Wage increase averaging 25% in year one
  • Doubling of health and welfare contributions from the employer
  • Shift and weekend differentials
  • Improved vacation
  • Excellent seniority language
  • Established a grievance procedure

READ: Ohio Air Force Base Workers Vote for Machinists Union Strength

“This was a well-deserved, solid first contract for these new members, some of whom had not received a wage increase in over five years due to the area wage determination,” said District 34 Directing Business Representative D. Scott Rich.

The IAM represents approximately 36,230 members across 657 different SCA contracts that cover 941 sites across every state in the country.

Without a union, these workers’ wages would otherwise be set by the SCA’s area wage determination, which might not increase for up to a decade. The only way for workers to increase their pay under the SCA is to organize in a union and negotiate higher wages in a contract.

All the elements in securing a first-class agreement were present and utilized in this unit’s bargaining debut. 

“We met weekly at the bowling alley on base, prioritizing our goals, and electing a selfless negotiating committee that had the full support of the rank and file,” said Rich. “The IAM’s Strategic Resources Department provided us with well-drafted surveys, timely comparative data, and IAM contracts with Valiant from around the country.” 

IAM District 34 represents five different units at Wright Patterson Air Force Base and hopes to help workers in other positions on the base increase their wages and benefits by organizing.

“I want to welcome the Eastern Territory’s newest members and congratulate them on a strong first contract,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan. “We were excited to see workers on that base reach out to improve their wages, benefits, and working conditions, with a union that is very familiar with negotiating under the Service Contract Act.”

“I can’t thank the Eastern Territory enough for the guidance and support throughout the organizing campaign and negotiations on the first agreement,” said Rich. “Our union has no equal in the SCA arena and we are fortunate to have experienced Grand Lodge staff so willing to help from the Eastern Territory.  We look forward to continuing to grow our union at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.” 

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