In the days leading up to Midterm Election Day 2022, IAM political volunteers have revved up efforts to encourage fellow Machinists Union members to vote in favor of pro-labor candidates running in battle-ground states across the country.
Electing pro-labor, worker-supportive candidates is imperative to protecting working families, their jobs, their pensions, their Social Security, their right to organize, and their safety at work.
READ: Machinists on the Ground, Getting Out the Vote for Pro-Labor Midterm Election Candidates
Labor unions have been mobilizing for months to educate voters on the candidates. In a final push to energize voters and garner support for labor-endorsed candidates, Machinists Union members have rallied at GOTV events in Philadelphia, Cleveland, and more.
Political figures, including former U.S. President Barack Obama and current U.S. President Joe Biden, as well as labor leaders like AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and AFT President Randi Weingarten, spoke at the rallies in support of candidates who have vowed to stand with workers if elected.
WATCH: President Biden and Barack Obama Rally Voters in Philadelphia
Find your polling place, check your status, and see the labor-endorsed candidates at aflciovote.org.
Social Links:
Machinist political volunteers have made thousands of calls to Machinists Union households, reminding members to vote! 💪⚙️🗳🇺🇸
Thank you to everyone who’s hit the streets and the phone lines to get every Machinist to polls today! #ElectionDay #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/9d6DmwNBOo
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 8, 2022
Our Wisconsin #GOTV2022 team is going to get every last Machinist to the polls!
VOTE 🗳PRO🇺🇸 LABOR ⚙️ TODAY 💪#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/alFriIMKj7
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 8, 2022
Hey Pennsylvanian Machinists, we hope you VOTE! 💪⚙️🗳🇺🇸#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/lMWsNyyd9v
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 8, 2022
Delegates from across OH & WV gathered in Cleveland for the Ohio State Council of Machinists meeting before midterm elections to talk with IAM members about their positions on our issues ⬇️⚙️💪🗳🇺🇸https://t.co/PGGGFdzHck
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 8, 2022
Go here to check ➡️ https://t.co/fP4P1K1DnL#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting 💪⚙️🇺🇸🗳 pic.twitter.com/Qb5CtezFro
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 7, 2022
Are you? ⚙️💪🇺🇸🗳
Election Day is tomorrow. Find your registration status, polling location and more at https://t.co/qLe4BtH7NL! #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/YWZP0ElN1o
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 7, 2022
Two of our Minnesota #GetOutTheVote Team members are on the ground, the day before Midterm Election Day, reminding MN Machinists Union members to VOTE their values and re-elect @Tim_Walz.
Tomorrow is election day! VOTE Pro-Labor! ⚙️💪🗳#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/Cg3hkINuZz— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 7, 2022
🌅 Rise and Shine – AND GET OUT TO VOTE – Ohio! 🗳️
The @MachinistsUnion continues knocking doors for @TimRyan – The best choice for Ohio’s working families! #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting #OHsen pic.twitter.com/yKboQR3PHU
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 7, 2022
We're mobilized from coast to coast to get out the vote! Have you voted yet? 🗳✊
Find your registration status, polling location and more at https://t.co/qLe4BtH7NL!#IAMStandingStrong #IAMvoting #1u pic.twitter.com/3mqqZyBat3
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 6, 2022
Union workers like Alan from IAM Local 439 want elected leaders like @timryan who put working Americans first!
Get out and vote for candidates that support union values! 🗳️#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting #OHsen pic.twitter.com/t7mzk2b1xf
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 5, 2022
What’s up PHILLY?! ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿
We’ve been rolling DEEP to #GOTV all week with @IAM_Local_1776 and more!
Now we’re about to join @POTUS, @BarackObama, @JohnFetterman, @JoshShapiroPA and thousands more to rally and WIN this thing for working people!#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting #1u pic.twitter.com/8C3paR6E9C
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 5, 2022
Your vote, your choice!#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/H7mftZSFku
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 5, 2022
.@NJMachinists joined candidate for Congress @RobMenendez4NJ for the Labor Walk this week ⚙️💪
We want to elect candidates that will WALK WITH US in the labor movement, candidates who understand and lift-up WORKING PEOPLE.
VOTE 🗳 PRO 🇺🇸 LABOR ⚙️#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/ymN1bPR5f9
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 5, 2022
#IAMStandingStrong @1725Lodge @MachinistsUnion @iamdistrict142 @IAMDistrict141 #machiniststrong #fightingmachinist Local 1725 members active in getting out the vote for our Labor endorsed candidates @CheriBeasleyNC pic.twitter.com/ZuxOlaBEj8
— Maureen Kelly 🆘✌️✊❄️🌹 (@maureen1227) November 4, 2022
IAM members and political volunteers are with @AFTunion and @AFLCIO President @LizShuler in Philly right now, encouraging union members to VOTE… VOTE 🗳 PRO 🇺🇸 LABOR ⚙️💪#AFTvotes #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/fTlQKuJc4Y
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 5, 2022
IAM Legislative Director Hasan Solomon & Comms staff member Ashley Mumford are with @AFLCIO President @LizShuler today to #GetOutTheVote in Philadelphia, PA for @JoshShapiroPA for Governor and @JohnFetterman for Senate!
VOTE 🗳 PRO 🇺🇸 LABOR ⚙️#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/KV2f5Npewm
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 5, 2022
Our Georgia team is covering SOME TURF to #GetOutTheVote for the 2022 midterm elections!
We’re encouraging union members to VOTE, and to VOTE for PRO-LABOR candidates like @staceyabrams and @ReverendWarnock ⚙️💪🗳 pic.twitter.com/0JYzabszcQ
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 4, 2022
The Tronjanskis from Machinists Local 439 are standing with @TimRyan!
🗳️ Get out to vote and support pro- labor candidates!#IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/zX6eZT0BEP
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 4, 2022
IAM’s Philly #GetOutTheVote Team with @IAM_Local_1776 are going strong days before the midterm election, encouraging @MachinistsUnion members to VOTE 🗳 for PRO-LABOR candidates! ⚙️💪 #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/8sq5XN2xdj
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 4, 2022
A union house hold voting for pro union Fetterman! #iamvoting @MachinistsUnion pic.twitter.com/qhsNNfc75i
— Dave Lehive (@DaveLehive) November 4, 2022
Union members throughout Pennsylvania are mobilized to elect @JohnFetterman and @JoshShapiroPA!
📍York, Pa.#IAMVoting #IAMStandingStrong #1u pic.twitter.com/m1hWk5KumR
— Jonathan Battaglia (@jrbattaglia) November 4, 2022
GOTV in North Long Beach with @joni_ricks_oddie and @d947iam It is essential that we connect with voters and turn out the vote. You should’ve received a ballot in the mail, fill it out and turn it! Vote early! pic.twitter.com/Z2SN9VJqsq
— Nubia Flores (@nubialbschools) November 3, 2022
#IAMStandingStrong. @MachinistsUnion @IAMDistrict141 @iamdistrict142 Charlotte LL1725 members trying to get the votes for @CheriBeasleyNC pic.twitter.com/IQmYaD5OKl
— Maureen Kelly 🆘✌️✊❄️🌹 (@maureen1227) November 4, 2022
Our Central Pennsylvania IAM #GOTV team is hitting doors all week in support of pro-labor candidates!
If you haven’t voted yet, make sure you make your voice heard!#IAMVoting #IAMStandingStrong #1u pic.twitter.com/IkOOSTxDAs
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 3, 2022
IAM walking the walk getting out the vote in Cleveland, Ohio, to elect @TimRyan for U.S. Senator! #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting #OHSen pic.twitter.com/6vcVgcotF2
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 3, 2022
More members in Georgia Getting-Out-the-Vote for candidates who will work for working families, @ReverendWarnock and @staceyabrams ⚙️💪🗳 #IAMStandingStrong #IAMVoting pic.twitter.com/bOBjYeJsik
— Machinists Union (@MachinistsUnion) November 3, 2022
@MachinistsUnion getting out the vote in Long Beach, California! @RexRichardson @CarusoKailee @DrJoniLB @nubialbschools @megankerr pic.twitter.com/lCwoFaA2vo
— IAM Local Lodge 1930 (@IAMLodge1930) November 8, 2022
Today is the day! #GOTV2022
Rally at the Machinists Union Hall in Seattle @PattyMurray @PramilaJayapal @RepAdamSmith @electhobbs pic.twitter.com/ZXgFLr4WbS— IAM Union District 751 (@IAM751) November 8, 2022
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