IAM sisters Stacy Breunig and Libby Martin are the President and Vice President respectively for Local Lodge 63 in Oregon. Both long-time union members, they’ve held E-Board positions for the past 2 ½ years. Local Lodge 63 is the oldest lodge in the Western Territory and Sisters Stacy and Libby boast the privilege of being the first women elected to office in their lodge’s 100+ year history.
Sisters Stacy and Libby are an excellent example of what teamwork and cooperation can accomplish. They attended the IAM Women’s Conference in Seattle, Washington and were moved to action by the messge of IP Buffenbarger and GVP Pearson: “Get involved in your union!” Those words, combined with the knowledge they aquired from the conference, motiviated the sisters to affect positive change for working families. Over dinner it was decided, they would return home and declare their candidacy.
Their campaign was truly a combined effort. They made posters and circulated buttons and pencils; campaigning on the premise that it was time for a change. Their strategy was to encounter any negativity with a positive attitude and to run a respectable clean campaign without name calling or mud slinging. They attempted to connect with members from all shifts and listen to their concerns. That election encouraged the biggest voter turn out in recent history and rendered Sisters Breunig and Martin victorious!
Upon taking the oath of office 2 ½ years ago, Sisters Stacy and Libby began their term with a clean slate and without holding any grudges. They’ve worked to build bridges were relations were strained and to promote a sense of union family solidarity – which was really needed last October when their lodge went on strike against Boeing.
Stacy and Libby advise all union members, especially their sisters, to become active in their lodges. They say it is important to take advantage of every educational opportunity and to showcase your strengths and abilities. Further advising that the respect and support of your lodge sisters and brothers comes from being honest, staying positive and conducting yourself with class.
Sister Diane Duval has been a member of the IAM for 16 years and has been a Trustee on the Executive Board of IAM Local Lodge 901 in Ontario, Canada.
As Treasury Officer at Oshawa Community Credit Union, Sister Diane felt her strong financial background could be of help to her local union. She was first voted in as Chief Steward then became Trustee on the Executive Board.
Diane has found her union sisters and brothers to be very supportive of her and hasn’t encountered many of the obstacles. She advises other sisters wishing to do more within their lodges to make sure they attend their meetings regularly, get involved in union business and activities. Be assertive, but not pushy. She says, “Don’t sit back and wait for change – make it happen!”
Currently, Diane is working toward her university degree. She says the more she does the higher her self-esteem. She loves to travel with her husband and two children, as well as volunteering with the grade 8 program, The Economics of Staying in School.