Sister of the Month Marla Ryan Sister Marla Ryan is a 9 year member of IAM LL 873 in Horicon, WI and has been the Recording Secretary for the past 6 years. In addition, she is the Editor and Communicator, the webmaster for LL 873 and DL 121, as well as a member on a
Read moreMarch Sister of the Month Ruth Dorsty Sister Ruth Dorsty has been an IAM member for 21 years. An employee at Northwest Airlines at JFK Airport, Sister Ruth began as a member of Local Lodge 1894 in New York. When her office closed in New York, Sister Ruth transferred to Minneapolis, MN and joined Local
Read moreIAM Sister of the Month February 2009 Lorraine “Rainey” Rohrmeier IAM Sister Lorraine “Rainey” Rohrmeier has been an IAM member for over 20 years. She served as Trustee on the Executive Board for Local Lodge 912 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was recently appointed Chairperson of LL 912’s Legislative Committee. Sister Rainey is employed as an
Read moreJanuary 2009 Sister of the Month Kathy S. Petersen Kathy Petersen is a 12 year member of IAM Local Lodge 839 in Wichita, Kansas. Sister Kathy was overwhelmingly elected President after having served as the lodge’s Vice President. She is the first woman to hold each of those offices in the history of the local.
Read moreDecember 2008 Sister of the Month Elizabeth Melara Elizabeth Melara has been an IAM member of Local Lodge 48 in Chicago, Illinois for approximately 11 years. She is currently serving as the Educator for District Lodge 8, with which LL 48 is affiliated. Like many of our union leaders, Sister Liz was raised in a
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