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  • iMail , News July 17, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, July 17, 2008

    Machinists at Boeing Say “It’s Our Time, This Time!” Thousands of Seattle-area IAM members packed the KeyArena for a strike sanction rally. Speakers at the rally included IAM President Tom Buffenbarger, Headquarters GVP Rich Michalski, Western Territory GVP Lee Pearson, IAM Aerospace Coordinator Mark Blondin and District 751 President Tom Wroblewski. Boeing Machinists sent a

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  • iMail , News July 15, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    Alliance Demands Congress Override Bush Medicare Veto President Bush today sparked outrage among retired Americans and working families after he vetoed Medicare legislation that would have expanded health care coverage for low-income seniors by stopping cuts in Medicare payments to doctors who care for the elderly. The ‘Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act’, which

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  • iMail , News July 10, 2008

    iMail for Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Machinists Wary on Tanker Rebid Rules The IAM is calling on Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates to ensure the new round of bidding for the Air Force refueling tanker contract does not include any residual bias from the initial competition, which contained significant errors and was heavily skewed toward the Airbus tanker. “We are

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  • iMail , News July 8, 2008

    iMail for Tuesday, July 8, 2008

    Machinists Fight Back in Wichita In a well-timed and well-placed editorial, District 70 President Steve Rooney saluted generations of aerospace workers in Wichita, KS, who built everything from WW II bombers to the latest business jets. Rooney’s editorial, titled ‘Don’t Sit Back and Let Aircraft Industry Leave,’ appeared in the July 4 edition of the

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  • News July 8, 2008

    July 2008

    July Sister of the Month Debra Trotter Debra Trotter has been an IAM member at Local Lodge 2460 in Pensacola, Florida for 31 years and has served on the Executive Board for the past ten as Vice President and now President.  In addition, she’s held the office of Vice-President for the Florida State Council of

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