The deadline to apply for a 2010 IAM Scholarship Award is fast-approaching. Applications must be postmarked no later than February 26, 2010, to be considered.
Click here to view the 2010 IAM Scholarship Competition webpage that covers the rules and regulations for lAM members and children of lAM members.
Awards to Members are $2,000 per academic year. They are granted for a specific period from one to four years to enable the member to earn a Bachelor’s degree or a two-year vocational/technical certification.
Awards to Children of Members are: College – $1,000 per academic year. All awards are renewed each year until a Bachelor’s degree is obtained or for a maximum of four years, whichever occurs first. Vocational/Technical School – $2,000 per year until certification is reached or for a maximum of two years, whichever occurs first.
Click here to view the Informational letter.
Click here to go to the IAM Scholarship page and to download the Scholarship forms.