TCU/IAM Locals and Units Receive MNPL Awards
April 12, 2013
TCU/IAM Assistant National Legislative Director and MNPL Coordinator William Kelaher accepts MNPL award with IAM Headquarters GVP Richard Michalski, TCU/IAM President Bob Scardelletti, IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger and IAM General Secretary Treasurer Robert Roach.
Every year the Machinists MNPL Planning Committee recognizes the top districts and local lodges whose members are the largest contributors to MNPL. In March 2013, at the MNPL Planning Committee meeting TCU/IAM Local Lodge 5101 and 2512 received the 2012 Local Lodge award for the highest MNPL contributions in our Union.
TCU/IAM Units 89, 320 and 86 all received awards for their commitment to excellence in signing up the highest number of new members to MNPL.