Real health care should provide affordable and quality care for all, but not at the expense of our hard fought for benefits.
Call 1-877-323-5246 and choose your Senator or Representative and tell them:
We need health care reform that:
* Controls costs and doesn’t tax our benefits.
* Provides guaranteed coverage to all Americans.
* Includes a public health insurance plan option.
* Holds insurance companies accountable.
* Requires all employers to pay their fair share.
Call 1-877-323-5246 to choose your Senator or Representative.
More than 100 local and state union leaders from more than two dozen states went to Washington, D.C., to meet with their lawmakers. They delivered tens of thousands of handwritten letters from union members and Working America members and other activists demanding comprehensive health care reform that reins in health insurance company abuses and provides coverage for all.
The Senate Finance Committee, which was expected to vote on its flawed bill, has postponed action until the middle of October. The committee recently voted down a public health insurance option. Its version of the health care reform also contains unfair taxes on workers’ health care benefits.
After the Finance Committee acts, the next step is to merge that bill with the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee legislation that includes a public option and doesn’t tax workers’ health benefits. That could be on the Senate floor sometime next week or the following week. House action likely will come soon after the Senate moves.
The time is now to act call 1-877-323-5246 and tell them not to tax our benefits.
Click here if you want to write a letter to Congress.