TCU Invokes Mediation on National Freight Negotiations

In negotiations with the national freight unions on October 6, 2015, TCU President Bob Scardelletti declared the talks to be at an impasse.  He told the Carriers it was time to move the process forward. 
On Thursday, October 8, 2015, TCU invoked mediation by the National Mediation Board (NMB) for the Carmen and Clerks.  Also invoking mediation were the Machinists (IAM), Electricians (IBEW) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU).  All four unions have been negotiating together in a voluntary coalition.
There has been little progress in the negotiations since they began in January. The parties remain far apart on wages and health insurance. The railroads point to their recent traffic declines, while ignoring their continuing high profits.
The NMB will now appoint a mediator or mediators to oversee the negotiations and set a schedule for future talks.
 “We are not willing to let these talks drag on,” said President Scardelletti. “We want to get to a voluntary agreement, but that will require a different, fairer approach from the carriers.”

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