TCU ARASA Maintenance of Way Supervisors has reached a tentative agreement with Amtrak. The agreement follows the economic terms previously reached in agreements with TCU Clerks, Carmen, and On-Board Service members on Amtrak. The agreement was negotiated by International Representative Joe Derillo and ARASA General Chairman C. E. Sheltman. The agreement is now being submitted
Read moreOn July 14, 2010, the National Mediation Board (NMB) assigned a mediator to the deadlocked negotiations between TCU (Carmen and Clerks) and the freight railroads that are in national handling. The NMB assigned the same mediator to TCU coalition partners IAM, IBEW, and TWU. The next step will be for the mediator to contact the
Read moreIn negotiations with the national freight railroads on July 7, 2010, TCU President Bob Scardelletti declared the talks to be at an impasse, and told the carriers that it was time to move the process forward. On Friday, July 9, 2010, TCU invoked mediation by the National Mediation Board (NMB) for Carmen and Clerks. Also
Read moreASWC on-board members ratified the new Amtrak contract by a vote of 450 for and 116 against, an overwhelming 4 to 1 margin. The ASWC represents all Amtrak on-board service workers and is made up of TCU, TWU, and HERE. The contract provides 15% in general wage increases, beginning with a 1.5% increase this July
Read moreTCU Carmen and Clerical members on Amtrak have ratified a new five year agreement covering wages, health and welfare, and rules. The Carmen vote was 493 in favor, 431 against. The Carmen vote reflects all Carmen members of the Joint Council of Carmen, which is comprised of TCU and the Transport Workers Union (TWU). The
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