Carmen Clerks
Read moreNMB Members Confirmed by Senate December 9, 2006 The Senate confirmed the appointment of two members of the National Mediation Board on December 9, 2006. Elizabeth Dougherty joins the Board December 13 as a new member. She will finish the term of outgoing member and chairman Edward J. Fitzmaurice, Jr, through June 30, 2007, and
Read moreClerical Members: 2003 Arbitrated Agreement–Clerical Carmen Members: 2003 Arbitrated Agreement–Carmen September 25, 1964 Agreement (Shop Crafts)
Read moreThese articles contain an in-depth analysis of one of the many grievance issues that face TCU Local and District Chairpersons. They are separated into two major categories that cover nearly all local representation issues: 1) interpretation and enforcement of work rules, and 2) discipline. Rules Interpretation and Enforcement • Grievance Handling — The Importance of the Three
Read moreAct — The term for legislation once it has passed both houses of Congress and has been signed by the president or passed over his veto, thus becoming law. (See also Pocket Veto.) Also used in parliamentary terminology for a bill that has been passed by one house and engrossed. (See Engrossed Bill.) Abeyance —
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