International President Bob Scardelletti Addresses the 2009 TCU Convention
In a stirring and passionate address to the delegates of the 2009 TCU Convention, International President Bob Scardelletti inspired the room with his view of healthcare in this country, “President Obama is pursuing legislation to have healthcare available to all Americans, which is the right thing to do. We are lagging behind the entire world, which is truly disgraceful. Healthcare for all America is a noble cause but not at our expense. The American Labor movement created healthcare in this country. Unions are the sole reason healthcare is offered by employers. Unions fought for healthcare, unions bargained for healthcare, the membership went on strike for healthcare. It took a lifetime of hard work to achieve the level of healthcare we have today.” President Scardelletti added, “it should be paid for and not just an add-on to the nations deficit but not from us. Tax those fat-cat corporations and their fat-cat bosses; they have billions held in their greedy hands. You know what I say YOU WANT HEALTHCARE…JOIN A UNION.”
This new slogan will now become the healthcare rally cry for TCU!