IAM Lodge 1848 Sends Thank You Letter to Supporters During Strike

The lAM Local Lodge 1848 sent a thank you letter to everyone that supported the members on strike at Hudson Mining and Smelting LTD. TCU members supported our IAM Brothers and Sisters on strike by walking the picket line, bringing food and drinks and with donations to the Lodge.
In the letter from IAM Lodge 1848 President Rene Beauchamp said, “thank you to the members and families of IAM and TCU/IAM members. This was a difficult battle for us all. We all felt pain and hardship throughout this entire ordeal. We stood strong and we stood tall. We all supported each other and got through this together. We can all hold our heads up high and be proud of standing up for what we believe in.”
TCU President Bob Scardelletti said, “One of the highest callings that can be placed upon a union member is that of total economic sacrifice; engaging in a strike against their employer in order to preserve justice and dignity in the workplace, for them and for future generations. I am proud of the TCU Locals and members that supported our striking IAM Brothers and Sisters.”
Click here to read the thank you letter from IAM Lodge 1848.

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