Rail Unions Stand Together, Collective Effort Results in Major Past Practice Win on Long Island Railroad

Just before the 2018 holiday season, LIRR revoked its long standing practice of allowing early release for all non-essential employees on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. TCU & IAM, along with SMART-TD, NCFO, IRSA, and BRS all grieved this issue. SMART TD brought the case before an arbitrator, who has just ruled in favor of the union. All of the unions who grieved this issue will benefit from this arbitration decision. The standing practice was restored, and payment was directed to be paid to affected employees who took unpaid leave, and leave was restored to any employees who took paid leave on both days. A win for our members and a win for union solidarity. #1u.

Click here to view the SMART Release.

Click here to view the award.

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