On Opening the Northeast Corridor to Private Competition for Development of High-Speed Rail
The Transportation Trades Department (TTD), of which TCU is a member, President Edward Wytkind testified before the House Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure hearings on privatizing the Northeast Corridor (NEC).
In his statements he said, “High-speed and passenger rail operations need federal funding. No amount of wishful thinking or fairy dust will replace the need for real dollars. The private sector will not participate at a robust level without a reliable and steady stream of federal support. It is time to stop parroting disproven assertions about privatization.”
President Wytkind continued, “Transportation labor supports Amtrak and endorses finding ways to boost private sector participation. But in the end Amtrak is and should remain the main provider of high-speed rail service on the NEC and across the country.”
TCU President Bob Scardelletti said, “The only way to accomplish a nationwide world class high-speed passenger rail system is for Congress to provide Amtrak with a dedicated long-term funding source.”
Click here to read the full testimony of TTD President Edward Wytkind before the committee.
Click here to read the press release from the TTD.