TCU Supports the Extension of TTX Flatcar Pooling Authority

In a recent letter to the Surface Transportation Board (STB), TCU President Bob Scardelletti expressed the support of TTX in their application to reauthorize the company’s flatcar pooling authority.

In the letter President Scardelletti states:

Transportation Communications Union/IAM strongly supports an extension of TTX Company’s flatcar pooling authority, as we rely on TTX to provide stable employment for our members.

Our organization is responsible for the inspection and repair of railcars across North America. At TTX, over 600 TCU/IAM members repair railcars at 40 locations around the country…we endorse the continuation of TTX as a quality, safe railcar service provider and employer.

We support TTX Company’s application for a 15-year extension of its pooling authority to ensure TTX continues to provide efficient flatcar service in the years to come.

Click here to read the full letter from TCU President Bob Scardelletti to the STB.

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