The IAM is gearing up for a showdown over three seriously flawed trade deals negotiated during the Bush administration and currently being considered by the Obama administration. The South Korea, Colombia and Panama free trade agreements (FTAs) threaten our jobs and will decimate America’s already sputtering economy.
“These NAFTA-like free trade deals are anything but free,” said IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “Passage will most certainly come at a price – a high price – as we have seen over the last decade. Concerns over the continued outsourcing of middle-class jobs, the continued downward pressure on wages and benefits, and the erosion of workers’ rights must be addressed before moving forward.
“The last thing the U.S. economy needs is another flawed trade agreement built on the disastrous framework of NAFTA.”
Join the fight to stop the South Korea, Colombia and Panama FTAs. Beginning Wednesday, June 8, 2011, the IAM will launch a targeted information campaign on unacceptable FTAs. Show your support and follow along by clicking the “like” button on the IAM Facebook page.