Ur Union of Unemployed (UCubed) will hold a pre-March rally at RFK Stadium before joining the historic 10.2.10 One Nation Working Together March on October 2, 2010 in Washington, DC
The UCubed pre-March rally will take place from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at RFK Stadium, which is located at 2400 E. Capitol St. in Washington, DC.
Speakers at the event will include Liz Shuler, Secretary Treasurer, AFL-CIO; Tom Buffenbarger, International President, IAM; John Wilhelm, General President, UNITE HERE; Lee Saunders, Secretary Treasurer, AFSCME; Rick Sloan, Acting Executive Director, Ur Union of Unemployed; Fred Redmond, General Vice President, USW; Edrie Irvine, UCubed Jobs Activist; Sarita Gupta, Executive Director, Jobs With Justice; William McNary, President, USAction; Leecia Eve, Vice President for Policy, NO LIMITS and others.
Ur Union of Unemployed, or UCubed, is a community service project of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) designed to assist the millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans, and to provide them with a structure that allows them to take advantage of their growing numbers. For more information, visit Ur Union of Unemployed.