JOBS Now! must be the rallying cry of the 2012 presidential and congressional elections says Leo Hindery, Chairman of the Smart Globalization Initiative at the New America Foundation. “We intend to ask every candidate running for federal office in 2012, especially Mr. Obama and whomever the Republicans nominate for President, one simple question,” said Hindery
Read moreTom Buffenbarger, the President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), called on newly-elected lawmakers to deliver on campaign promises of jobs, jobs and more jobs, or face an even angrier electorate just 24 months from now. “Empty wallets and empty promises drove this election,” said Buffenbarger. “By ignoring the real pain
Read moreWith less than two weeks remaining before the November 2 election, UCubed activists were reminded what is likely to occur if control of the House of Representatives passes to the anti-jobless deficit hawks. “How about Tier V?” asked UCubed Acting Executive Director Rick Sloan. “Not happening. Extended unemployment benefits? Forgetaboutit. COBRA discounts? When pigs fly.
Read moreHow important is it to get out the vote this midterm election? Ponder this… Sen. Orrin “Drug Test the Unemployed” Hatch (R-UT) with jurisdictional control over unemployment insurance benefits, Social Security, Railroad Retirement, pensions, international trade and Trade Adjustment Assistance. It could happen – if Republicans gain control of the Senate on Election Day, November
Read morePhiladelphia Unemployment Project member Darryl Jackson addresses the UCubed Pre-event Rally on the day of the historic 10.2.10 One Nation Working Together March on Washington to call for jobs and justice for America’s working families. Thousands of labor, civil rights, religious and community activists from around the country joined Ur Union of Unemployed (UCubed) for
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