Instructors Javier Almazan and Maria Pozo lead a class discussion during a Spanish Leadership Class at the Winpisinger Center. Local and district lodges are invited to send in enrollments soon for the Spanish Leadership II program scheduled for June 20-25, 2010, at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland. The
Read moreInvitamos a Locales y Distritos a mandar sus inscripciones para la clase de Liderazgo en Español II que está programada para el 20 – 25 de junio, 2010, en el Centro Educativo William W. Winpisinger en Hollywood, Maryland. El Programa de Liderazgo en Español II cubre los mismos temas que son incluidos en la clase
Read moreThe 2010 Basic Newsletter Development course at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Placid Harbor, MD originally scheduled for April 25-29 has been rescheduled for May 2-7, 2010. Local or district lodges who want to start a newsletter or train editors for existing newsletters are encouraged to apply. The course covers writing
Read moreThe January 15 deadline for applications for the 2010 IAM Basic Web Development Course has been extended to January 22. The class is offered by the IAM Communications Department and will be held March 21-26 at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Placid Harbor, MD. The Basic Web Development course is designed
Read moreThe IAM Collective Bargaining Department will hold its “Metal Trades Training Program” May 2-7, 2010 at the William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center in Southern Maryland. This Program is being offered to all IAM Locals and Districts affiliated with Metal and Atomic Trades Councils. All potential participants must have prior approval from their District
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