
Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Janet Napolitano On the Issues:

• Governor Janet Napolitano says that building a strong economy and creating high quality, high-value jobs will be key to keeping Arizona’s future safe, strong and prosperous. The Governor’s record on the economy is strong: she delivered tax cuts to create a innovation-friendly business climate and forged key public-private partnerships to attract high-tech businesses to Arizona.
• When Janet Napolitano took office, she appointed the Governor’s Council on Innovation and Technology, which has since developed a comprehensive roadmap for Arizona’s high-tech industry. The state is also revamping Arizona’s job initiatives to focus on producing a workforce that can compete in the knowledge-based economy.

Health Insurance:
• Janet Napontano partnered with the private sector to create one of the nation’s first free prescription drug discount cards, the Arizona CoppeRx Card, which has saved seniors more than $14 million to date. She also worked with Arizona’s business community to revitalize Healthcare Group, which provides affordable health insurance to thousands of small business owners and employees.

• Governor Napolitano has made the education and protection of Arizona’s children a focal point of her administration. She fought for and secured sweeping reforms and funding for Arizona’s Child Protective Services system and led the successful effort to offer voluntary full day kindergarten to our families. She is also fighting to give every teacher in Arizona a raise.
• As Governor, Janet Napolitano has secured the funding for voluntary full-day kindergarten, and will make full-day kindergarten available to every Arizona family by 2009.
• Governor Napolitano has pledged to provide ongoing educational opportunities for Arizona teachers, and has secured $12 million in federal funds to support the professional development, retention and recruitment of teachers in districts on or near Indian Reservations and other hard-to-staff schools.

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