Clinton Tells Unions She Won’t Support Korea Trade Pact

June 12, 2007 – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton distanced herself Saturday from the free-trade policies of her husband’s administration, telling a hall packed with about 700 labor union members she won’t support a free trade deal with Korea.

Korea is too focused on keeping American cars out of its market, the Democratic presidential hopeful from New York said at an AFL-CIO town hall meeting.

“Trade worked well for America for most of the 20th century, but we are in a different environment now,” Clinton said. “You can’t just keep doing the same thing that we did before. We’ve got to be, as I say, smarter. Because my primary obligation as a United States senator and then later as president, is to look out for America. That’s my job. My job is to try to support all of you because I don’t want to lose the American dream.”  Read the entire article here.

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