New Job Search Tools Launched by the Department of Labor
Accessed at, My Next Move is intended to assist all jobseekers. It may be especially useful for students, young adults and other first-time workers as they explore potential careers based on their interests. The new tool complements the department’s “mySkills myFuture” site at, which is designed to help those with previous work experience match their existing skills to new occupations.
Users can also search for jobs in three categories: careers with a “bright outlook” in growing industries, jobs that are part of the “green” economy and occupations that have a Registered Apprenticeship program. Each occupation that a user selects has an easy-to-read, one-page profile, including information about what knowledge, skills and abilities are needed; the occupation’s outlook; the level of education required; technologies used within the occupation; and other, similar jobs. In addition, each occupation page includes direct links to local salary information, training opportunities and relevant job openings
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The Devastating Psychological Impact of Unemployment and Society’s Moral Responsibility
Perhaps the most prevalent feeling the newly unemployed experiences is that of loneliness. Even if we are the victims of a major layoff in which many other coworkers leave at the same time, each of us deeply feels a sense of loss way down in our soul. Loss of who we are — getting up each morning and having a place of employment to go to is gone — and often times our sense of identity goes with it. Loss of our jobs not only has a detrimental economic effect, but can crush our psyche as well. Our perceived self worth is often times intrinsically connected to our titles and what we accomplish through our jobs – taking good care of our families by providing them a roof over their head, food to eat, clothing and having the extra money to do fun things together; solving problems and issues at work and being a valued member of the team; feeling like a productive member of society. Read The Entire Article