Mobilization For Workers Rights

The AFL-CIO and a broad-based coalition of unions and religious, student community and civil rights groups are planning a national mobilization—“the biggest ever”—in support of workers’ freedom to form unions and bargain collectively during the week leading up to Dec. 10, International Human Rights Day.

With America’s middle class shrinking and poverty and job loss rising, a union card is the best economic uplift program for working people in our nation’s history, but employers routinely intimidate, discriminate against or fire workers for trying to join unions. Events are scheduled in 63 cities around the country, with more being added each week. These events will range from rallies and demonstrations to town hall meetings and workers’ rights board hearings. Teach-ins on university campuses as well as religious services will spotlight the tactics of employers that try to thwart efforts by workers to join unions. In some cities, events will focus on specific organizing campaigns in an effort to help workers overcome employer opposition to union representation.  More updates will be posted here and to keep informed visit the special AFL-CIO site at:

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