Carmen Elections Show Pride and Unity

Carmen General Officers Being Installed Into Office by International President Bob Scardelletti

In an unprecedented show of strength and unity, TCU International President Bob Scardelletti nominated Carmen Division General President Rich Johnson to another term. In true unity and solidarity Rich Johnson and Assistant General President Marvin Napier were elected unopposed by acclamation. Every returning Carmen Division General officer was returned to office by acclamation.

Rich Johnson said, “I promise to do everything in my power to maintain and increase our membership, improve our wages and benefits and demand fairness at the bargaining table. I will take whatever steps are necessary to secure the best possible future for our members.”

The unity displayed clearly showed how strong the Carmen Division has become. The delegates were all proud to serve on the various committees. Each Committee doing the work, and making the choices, that are needed to make our union strong. That strength will flow into the TCU Regular Convention.

International President Bob Scardelletti said, “The unity expressed in the unanimous re-election of the Carmen Division officers is a proud moment in our history. This vote of confidence is a testament to the great job our Carmen Division officers have done and will continue to do.”

The installment of officers was conducted by Bob Scardelletti who expressed heartfelt congratulations to each re-elected officer.

Posted July 30, 2009

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