Special Report from National President Maratea

Brothers and Sisters, When I became National President of this great Union on August 1st, I said I was fired up and ready to get the work done.

In my second week in office, I held an Executive Council meeting so that TCU could take some issues head on and make necessary changes to our infrastructure. We must ensure the longevity and strength of the Union. Several resolutions were passed by the Executive Council so that necessary changes could be made.

First, looking at all areas that could be cut without affecting the strength and function of the Union, we reduced expenditures by $2.5 Million.

Then, following my lead of taking a reduced salary as National President, Executive Council agreed that – effective immediately – all new National Vice President salaries would be cut by 15%. Further, we agreed that all existing Vice President salaries will be cut by 15% in 2023, pending the required passage of that resolution on the 2022 convention floor by the delegates.

TCU Executive Council unanimously elected Unit 155 National Representative Brian Shanahan to fill the vacant TCU Vice President position, effective January 1, 2021. Shanahan will retain his position as National Representative while serving as NVP.

Executive Council also backed the implementation of a virtual training program for both Local and National Representatives. While the pandemic has required that our brick and mortar training be temporarily suspended, it is crucial that our education program continues to evolve to ensure the best possible representation for our members. Even as traditional training returns, it is our intent that our program be strengthened through continuous, low-cost virtual training to keep representatives strong and supported.

I am confident that these changes are major and positive steps in the right direction. I will continue to apprise you when significant adjustments are made in the future. I thank the TCU Executive Council for their support on these very necessary changes.

Click here to see the TCU Special Alert.

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