Alaska Airlines Hazardous Material Enhancement Awareness Train the Trainer and Pilot Program IAM Local Lodge 601, September 9, 2009


For the last 2 weeks, six I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T Associate Instructors from IAM Local Lodge 601/District Lodge 143 at Alaska Airlines completed a Train the Trainer program and provided a Pilot Hazardous Material Enhancement Awareness class for IAM members and managers of Alaska Airlines at Seattle International Airport. The CREST Associate Instructors demonstrated a professional ability while delivering a quality program.  

The classes were developed by IAM CREST specifically to enhance the current training provided by Alaska Airlines. Workers who handle dangerous goods by air receive training under a grant funded by the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration.

The classes delivered in Seattle WA. are the first in a series that will be delivered to Alaska Airlines hazmat employees addressing the importance of identifying dangerous goods, the associated hazards, and proper handling procedures.

I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Airlines Grant Liaison: Stephen Rice

IAM Rep.: Roger Clark

IAM District Site Coordinator: Brenda Beesley

I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Staff:  Teri McClendon, Project Coordinator/ Instructor and Steve Fowee

I.A.M. C.R.E.S.T. Associate Instructors from Alaska Airlines:

Pictured: (Left to Right): Kathleen Marr (Seattle Stores Agent), Don Newsom (CSA Cargo Seattle), Courtney Currie (CSA Cargo Anchorage), Gary Woods (Stores Agent Seattle), Brenda Beesley (CSA Cargo Anchorage), and Barbara Grant (CSA Cargo Anchorage)

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